Integrated multisectoral Project in Education and Protection/GBV for vulnerable people in South Kivu and Ituri Provinces, DRC.

Integrated multi-sector GBV Education-Protection response in favor of displaced persons, returnees and host populations affected by armed conflicts, including inter-community conflicts in the health zones of Nundu, in the Territory of Fizi, Province of South Kivu and HZ Rethy, Fataki and Lita in the Territory of Djugu, Ituri Province in DR Congo.
In view of the humanitarian context of the health zones of Nundu , Rethy , Fataki and Lita, Actionaid proposes a set of multisectoral, interdependent and complementary activities in protection-education to contribute to the achievement of strategic objective 1 "The multisectoral response enables to cover the vital needs of 8.8 million people in order to preserve their physical and mental integrity” and to the development plan of the government of the DRC; for a period of 12 months, from September 2022 to September 2023.
- To issues related to education in the Nundu area , the project ensures access to inclusive and adequate quality education in a safe and protective learning environment and the psychosocial well-being of vulnerable children (girls and boys) affected by inter-community conflicts and
- Rethy , Fataki and Lita health zones , the project focus on:
- Community engagement in GBV prevention, including HEAS and PSEA, through - capacity building of grassroots community structures and
- Mass sensitization sessions, door-to-door, discussion group and radio programs and spots;
- The response through safe and dignified access to appropriate support services (psychosocial, medical, legal, educational, socio-economic, etc.) for victims.
- Develop prevention and reparation actions to prevent and reduce cases of human rights violations ZS of Rethy , Fataki and Lita and
- Access to an inclusive and adequate education system for people affected by armed conflicts, including inter-community tensions in the HZs of Nundu .
In order to contribute to the efforts of other partners in the area, ActionAid focus on:
A. Education:
These activities ensure access to inclusive and adequate quality education in a safe and protective learning environment for children affected by conflict and reintegrate 1,770 more children into the education system.
- Provide psychosocial care for 18,472 children affected by armed conflict, including inter-community tensions, through recreational activities in the HZ of Nundu .
- Capacity building for 101 people including 85 teachers on pedagogical themes and COPA on effective school governance. These trainings are being provided by the ESPT, if necessary the provincial Ministry of Education,
- Setting up remedial courses.
- Ensure the distribution of school kits to 4212 vulnerable children and 101 teachers educational supplies
- Build 18 emergency classrooms for Case 1612 schools in conjunction with the Child Welfare Grant project.
- Support community sensitization on the importance of education and peace education through children's clubs and Ho and Fe groups of the child protection component of the allowance.
- Reintegration of vulnerable children into the education system .
B. GBV-Protection:
- Creation and/or revitalization, training and support of 6 groups of women leaders in the fight against GBV;
- Support for the development and implementation of 18 GBV risk reduction plans
- Strengthening community mechanisms to combat GBV through female leadership and support for community structures;
- Raising awareness of 1,010 people on key GBV concepts,
- Medical care for 1,270 victims via a partnership with ZS
- Legal support for 20 victims by referral in coordination with the allocation's health projects and other partners with the legal package in the area
- Psychosocial care for 1,270 GBV victims including victims of rape, early marriage and survival sex
- Collaboration with the basic services present for the extension of the referral circuit and counter-referral of cases of GBV and
- The distribution of dignity kits to 373 vulnerable women and girls of childbearing age
- School reintegration of 86 GBV and socio-economic victims to 527 GBV victims, giving priority to victims of rape, early marriage and survival sex.
- Construction of 3 safe spaces (multipurpose centers).
A total of 1,270 people who are victims of GBV/SGBV including HEAS in the health zones of Rethy , Fataki and Lita are directly benefit from the actions of this project, including 542 displaced people , 447 returnees and 281 host populations in coordination with the INGOs COOPI, INTERSOS, AJEDEK , DRC, SCI which are operational in the ZS of Fataki , Rethy and Lita.

The action of the project focus on contributing to the gaps that have been identified during the assessments in the area of intervention, in particular:
- The effectiveness of the project response is guaranteed by the implementation of inclusive and participatory community approaches in coordination and synergy with the other actors in the area, including the various working groups and GBV clusters.
- The accountability mechanism that is put in place based on:
- Community involvement: in line with the “Do No Harm” principle, ActionAid applies approaches favoring the participation of beneficiaries in order to ensure that the project corresponds to their expectations and to cultural particularities in order to avoid potential negative effects (Do No Harm ).
- Complaint management : a toll-free number from Actionaid 0820820800, the complaints management committee at local level, at intermediate level, at provincial or national level and at international level
- The recruitment of staff from local communities on the basis of objective criteria and community sensitivities.
- AA DRC prioritizes the safety and dignity of beneficiaries as a fundamental responsibility beyond humanitarian assistance.
- Respect for fundamental human rights and protection principles is part of how ActionAid conducts its interventions.
- Consideration of results-based project management, quality and accountability to affected people, implementation of basic humanitarian standards
- Within the framework, focused on Protection, the dissemination of the PSEA Mechanism including Fraud and the Denunciation of acts of SGBV,
The ActionAid approach
- Guided by the globally accepted humanitarian principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence and
- Through the four key elements of Actionaid's humanitarian signature :
- Shifting power,
- Female leadership
- Accountability to affected communities,
- Resilience and sustainability.
Actionaid's actions and inactions during the implementation of the activity do not favor any party and interventions are provided only on the basis of need, without discrimination.
In connection with the consideration of PSEAs, women/girls are be consulted in the prioritization of certain needs and the identification of construction sites for safe spaces.