Training of 161 teachers on new teaching methods, positive sanction, conflict sensitive education approach
From January 22 to 27, 2020; Actionaid is organizing a training session of which 20 partner schools are benefiting as part of capacity building for teachers under the financial support of EU humanitarian aid.
The training is facilitated by the Main Provincial Inspectorate (IPP) of South Kivu 2 under the financial support of the EU humanitarian aid.
Teachers have limited skills to support quality education and protected learning environment in the Territory of Fizi, from the Baseline survey conducted by Actionaid last year 2020.
Capacity building of teachers through training on Ministry of Education curriculum as well as on key subjects such as conflict sensitive education, sexual and reproductive health rights and people's entitlements to access services related to these and Social Emotional Learning are being delivered.
Teachers from the 20 selected primary and secondary schools are benefiting from this training to improve lesson delivery and institute measures to ensure that school environment is safe and respond to the strategic needs of children.
Also to mention that, as part of this project, the 161 schools teachers have been supported with teaching aids to support lesson notes development and teaching; including the support of the 20 schools targeting 6000 pupils including 3,120 girls and 2,880 boys beneficiaries of school kits and uniforms and payment of school fees for secondary schools for 350 most vulnerable children.